by Kerryk Cor Authors Note: To Tyrus Beaut, time doth tell and through history my line hath stood proud. I have decided to share our tale, much like the tales you weave of yesteryear when exalted adventurers meet in fields of battle. Unlike your tales though, with my quill all that shall be is history, not fantasy. My name is Kerryk Cor and the story I am about to share is one that needs to be told, one that has haunted my dreams over the years. It is a story of understanding, compassion, and the end it is up to you to weigh the value of my words. Talad created the Kran race. That is a statement of fact and we have all heard the stories of that fateful day when Talad, full of power, unleashed the chaotic energy in an attempt to create his race, marring the lovely face of Laanx. The stories that have yet to be told are of the Kran that were brought into existence with that event. Of the Kran created that day, Konroran was the first. Kra rose from the stone and earth at Talad’s feet and was his sworn follower from that day forward. Other Kran arose after but the dissipating energy seemed to leave some lacking, underdeveloped in a sense. It was as if the chaotic energy released at their creation could not hold focus in design and thought. It is believed by many that this is the reason the Kran look as they do, lacking refinement in physical detail. Other tales tell of a relationship between Laanx’s distress and the physical appearance of the Kran, but these are just speculations offered by those who were not there. What I can tell you for certain is that Konroran was the most complete of the group and stepped into the position of leadership for the rest. Kra took the responsibility of educating and teaching kras fellow Kran. The skill and knowledge level of the group varied so Konroran worked with smaller groups, teaching basic skills and educating them on their surroundings and interactions with others. Kra worked tirelessly to improve the life for those under kras care. While Konroran’s daily life was that of teacher and leader, kra had a deep rooted flaw that kra worked hard to keep hidden from the others. Only one other Kran knew of this obsession, Aedaisti Beaut. Konroran had an unnatural obsession with Laanx, and what she was becoming over the years. Between Talad’s distress for the pain he caused her and Konroran’s own internal reasoning kra felt kra was to blame for her change. In an unrelenting desire to right the wrong kra perceived kraself to have done. Konroran, with the approval of Talad, worked tirelessly on a sculpture for Laanx, one that was to show her true beauty. Konroran’s desire pushed kra so hard that sleep was something that was rarely seen. Konroran sculpted during the late evening hours and Aedaisti often assisted by picking up supplies during the day and keeping a watchful eye on the other Kran at night so Konroran could work uninterrupted. At the statue’s completion, Konroran was dispatched by Talad to seek out Laanx and deliver the statue as an offering requesting forgiveness; little did those involved know this trip would be Konroran’s last. Wrapping the statue carefully, Konroran set out into the Stone Labyrinths in search of Laanx. Much time passed but kra did find her. At that moment kra fell to kras knees before her, offering up the statue. It was at this time that kra ceased to move. Kras life, the accumulation of extraordinary efforts for kras god and kras peers, all hinged on this one moment...what was in kras eyes, redemption. Laanx, not completely unmoved by the gesture, sent word to Talad through a messenger. Talad, in response, sent Aedaisti to bring Konroran back to him. Aedaisti returned in the dead of night and little is known of what transpired at that time, as the records do not indicate what happened to the body of Konroran nor the statue of Laanx that kra carried. There are rumors though, that some of kras earlier attempts are hidden somewhere. With the loss of Konroran the Kran sought out a new face of leadership and their gaze naturally landed on Aedaisti. Kra stepped up, and accepted the responsibility of guiding kras fellow Kran. During the beginning kra kept in close alignment with the teachings of Konroran, but as time progressed kras name was mentioned less and less until kras name was just a thought on the breeze. To focus kras fellow Kran, Aedaisti started building a city that the Kran could call home, a place they could call their own. This new city was named Gugrontid in its earliest conception and it was during this time the second generation of Kran spawned, never to even know Konroran’s name, only that of Aedaisti Beaut, who was now looked upon as the driving force behind the Kran’s endeavors. As time progressed Aedaisti’s leadership was no longer needed. By the time the third generation of Kran started to be spawned kra had returned to being a member of the group. The Kran worked well as a group, each with skills that balanced and complemented each other. It was during this time two young Kran, Iduello Beaut and Ilallorin Cor, made a discovery. While exploring one of the homes being renovated in Gugrontid, they found a book written in Konroran’s own hand that spoke of kras desire for the Kran to achieve their full potential and also of kras desire to right the wrong kra perceived kraself to have done to Laanx. Mentioned often was Aedaisti and how kras support kept Konroran strong and able to do what kra thought to be the right thing. Iduello and Ilallorin sat for hours reading and rereading various passages in the book, torn with indecision. Iduello being the spawn of Aedaisti did not want this book to see the light of the crystal and cause kras parent’s good work to be marked with the shame of allowing Konroran’s works to be forgotten. Ilallorin thought the story deserved to be told and that Konroran needed to be remembered for what kra did for the Kran. Iduello finally convinced Ilallorin to go along with kras wishes. To seal the deal they divided the book in half, each tucking their half away like a secret to be kept hidden. By the start of the fourth generation of spawnings Iduello and Ilallorin had fallen out of graces with each other, the weight of the secret eroding their friendship. No one knew why the two no longer spoke and few questioned it, assuming that time would heal the relationship. This healing never happened and their offspring never experienced the close bonds of friendship that their parents had in the past. It was in the time just before Ilallorin’s death that kra confessed the secret to kras spawn Ialam Cor. Angered by the historical injustice done to one of the founding Kran, Ialam approached the Beauts and demanded the other half of the book so kra could offer the book to the community and enlighten those that had never heard Konroran’s name, nor of the sacrifices kra made on their behalf. The Beaut line refused, and without their half of the book, Ialam could not prove that the story kra offered was fact. This injustice is what started the tension between our lines. I seek to honor our past, as did my parent Ialam, while the Beaut line seeks to edit out all Konroran stood for.